Book Review – Pigs in Clover

Pigs in Clover:  Or How I Accidentally Fell in Love With The Good Life Author:  Simon Dawson I listened to this book in audio form and I have to say that it was the best audio book I have ever listened to.  I listened to the majority of it while I was working out on... Continue Reading →

Book Review – The Martian

The Martian by Andy Weir This is a story that has been in the media spotlight for quite a while with the book being a bestseller and the movie being nominated for an Oscar.  I kept debating whether I actually wanted to read the book or just rent the movie.  I finally decided to read... Continue Reading →

Weekend Plans

Uuuug.  You know when you have one of those days where everything takes twice as long to do as normal and its like your tongue and your mouth decide they don't like each other and start to work independently instead of as a team?  Its one of those days! So, I am currently reading Nicci... Continue Reading →

Weekend Reads

My current read is “In the Dark Cold Ground” by Stuart MacBride and I am about 50% complete.  This is the tenth book in the Logan McRae series and I absolutely love it.  Picking up this series is like sitting down with an old friend that you get to spend a few hours with to... Continue Reading →

Weekend Reads/Mini Book Haul

For the month of March, I picked only three books that I was intending on reading.  Normally I read anywhere between six to nine books a month, but one of the books I picked to read was huge (The Luminaries).  Tuesday night I sat down, started it and read about 40 pages.  I was not "getting into... Continue Reading →

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